Men in Early Years England

Men in Early Childhood UK (MiECUK): A National Network for Men in Early Childhood

Throughout England there are many local initiatives promoting the equipment and retention of men, especially within the child care sector. Men in Early Childhood England has been established to support and encourage these initiatives both within England and internationally through links with other men in early childhood groups.

In line with these groups we aim to support and mentor men in all early childhood sectors and those in training through:

Networking with other men working in early years services

Promotion of the role of men as carers and educators of children

The collection and promotion of research in relation to men in early childhood care and education.

Advocating on behalf of men involved within all early years sectors within England.

Lobbying for initiatives to increase numbers of men working with children in all early years sectors.

MiECE is currently working towards a national summit for men who work in early childhood within England.

Any one who is interested in MiECE can contact me at the following e-mail address

Richard Harty
Convener MiECE

Men in Early Years Southampton

Paint Pot Nurseries

Following a 20 year career in IT, David Wright retrained, 5 years ago and now owns and runs 4 daycare settings in Southampton, with his wife, caring for over 500 children each week. The nurseries motto is ‘Love, Laughter and Learning’ which underpins the ethos and day to day operation, particularly in the areas of building self esteem and emotional literacy.

David believes that the role of the adult in early years care is both vital and significant in making a difference to the development of children during the most important formative period of their lives. He maintains an ongoing interest in child development research and was one of the first childcare practitioners in England to qualify as an Early Years Professional (EYP). He is currently a member of the EYP advisory group for the Children’s Workforce Development Council.

David believes that boys and girls need men and women to provide quality care and support. He is an advocate for men in childcare, actively working with colleagues to establish a network to encourage and support more men into the sector, to redress the imbalance in gender within the workforce.