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Tel. 0131 664 1202 - le-mail: colin@meninchildcare.com

Men in Childcare is a registered charity no. SCO38642 - Funded by The Scottish Government and City of Edinburgh Council


Scotland needs more men to work with children in Early Years settings, so MiC will train you FREE OF CHARGE !
After successful completion of a certificated evening course, you may apply for an HNC or SVQ3 Early Years & Childcare course, also FREE OF CHARGE ! Courses start every February & September, one evening per week.

New course starts on-line in February 2021, anywhere in Scotland.


Recruitment Coordinator
Men in Childcare - Edinburgh EH7
£10,000 a year - Part-time, Temporary
This is a part time post 16 hours per week. The post is temporary to April 2020.
The post holder will be responsible for recruiting men onto childcare training and supporting and mentoring them. They will also be responsible for supporting fathers with parenting skills.
Experience in an Early Years or Social work setting would be ideal as would an HNC in Childcare or Social Care.

Salary: £10,000.00 /year
Flexible Working Options Available

Applications to kenny@meninchildcare.com
Closing date Friday 10th of May

Kidscene, Moringside, Edinburgh

Child Development Officer
Various Locations

Trainee Early Years Practitioner

Edinburgh & Lothians
Out of School Care Network
Staff Bank / Mobile Crèche Recruitment

We are delighted to add “INDEED”, a job vacancies website to help direct you to employment opportunities in your area. This is very simple to see a list of childcare vacancies, just click on the link below and add your city or postcode. You can also enter your email address if you want to receive new job alerts.



Weekend Volunteers & Sessional staff required

Family support and Child Care and Befriending & Mentoring

Mearns After-School Care Service

Providing Breakfast Club & After School Care in East Renfrewshire and Scotstoun.


at George Heriot's School




Why it is a job for the boys

One of the first clear calls from the coalition government for the early years sector was to encourage greater gender equality in the workforce. But with the number of men in the sector staying static at just 2%, it doesn't seem the message is getting through, although the benefits to reversing this trend are clear. Some young children lack a positive male role model and a male early years worker could provide this.
While we must be careful not to stereotype male practitioners as being about rough and tumble outdoor play, having a balance of men and women in the workforce brings different approaches, outlooks and styles to working with children. Plus, from a recruitment and retention point of view, men working in the sector report very high levels of job satisfaction – evidence that early years is a challenging, rewarding and worthwhile place to be.

So how do we successfully recruit more men into the sector?

Some of the most long term successes in the UK have been led by Men in Childcare an organization, originally operating out of a Child and Family centre in Edinburgh, they have now expanded throughout Scotland.

Kenny Spence and Colin Chisholm have a formula that works and includes Free Childcare Training. First up, make sure your advertising is clearly targeted at men, especially career changers. Respond quickly to enquiries and make sure that any recruits are on a training programme initially with other men and with access to experienced male practitioners. Their focused efforts have brought a lot of success, in areas where they have operated for some time, they have increased the Childcare workforce to one that is 10-12% male. Key ingredients beyond those tried and tested by Men in Childcare are engaging with employers and offering volunteering opportunities.

There has been a lot of thinking, writing and acting on the issues in recent years. The challenge for the sector now is to help the many small successes grow more systematically. Every new male practitioner recruited, trained, supported and established in the early year's sector is a small success.
Early years is and must be a job for the boys too .
Jane Haywood is chief executive at the Children's Workforce Development Council (CWDC). 






A letter of thanks and how it happened for James Callaghan from Glasgow

Dear Colin and Kenny

Sorry I have not been in touch until now, it has been a rather hectic year. As you will be aware I have been studying for my HNC in Childcare and Education.
Thanks to Men In Childcare, I have for the past few years, been involved in training for a career in childcare. I completed the introductory course and from there continued at the College, where I completed modules in Childcare and Education. While completing these modules I decided to apply to local nurseries for a full time position as a childcare worker. The response I received was fantastic and everyone spoke very positively of having a male figure in their establishment. I accepted a position in a local nursery and have been working there full time for the past 16 months. I have also used the position as my work placement while studying at college for my HNC.
I have worked in many different jobs over the past 15 years or so, from admin positions, to furniture installation and engineering jobs,  these previous positions however did not hold or offer any career path for me. I have now completed my HNC and I am a fully qualified Child Development Officer. For the first time in my life I can now say I have "a career". I intend to take my learning/career forward and continually progress in this field. The job satisfaction I receive through being part of the children's learning is indescribable, and I would thoroughly recommend it to anyone interested.
If it was not for Men in Childcare I may never have took the initiative to begin studying for this career. All training was fully funded, the classes were all flexible to suit individual needs and it made me feel more relaxed initially to be part of a group of men in the same situation as myself. I have thoroughly enjoyed my studies and now that I am fully qualified, I will not look back.
I would just like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude, not only for the funding that helped to make this possible, but for your continued support throughout.

Thanks again,

James Callaghan - Glasgow


Men in Childcare promtional video now available.

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MiC / Skills Development Scotland CONFERENCE


by Scott MacNab - The Scotsman

More Scots men will be encouraged to take up a career as nursery teachers and childminders as part of a Scottish Government drive announced today.

Ministers today set out their vision for an overhaul of the country’s early years workforce which will also look at ensuring that the profession is better paid for those involved.

Just 4% of nursery teachers in Scotland are currently male and 0% of childminders. Ministers now want to shift this balance and believe it would have wider benefits for society.

The Scottish Government published its response to an Independent Review of the Early Learning and Childcare and Out of School Care Workforce carried out by Professor Iram Siraj’s earlier this year.

Education Secretary Angela Constance said: “I am committed to doing more to promote early learning and out of school care as a fantastic career for young people, considering, in particular, what more we could do to attract more males into the sector.

“This would bring a number of benefits, including increasing gender equality, providing children with positive role models of both genders within early learning and childcare settings.”

It would also attract a “wider group of individuals with the right skills” into the profession, she added.

Work will now be undertake with bodies like Skills Development Scotland, the Workforce and Quality Group, Scottish Funding Council and equalities organisations to help promote early learning and out of school care as careers for men.

The Siraj report comprised 31 recommendations for change including mandatory induction or pre-registration training for childminders, along with moves to beef up the qualifications for the childcare and nursery workforce with the prospect of more degrees.

The childcare workforce should also be entitled to a living wage, the report added.

The Scottish Government has commissioned an independent expert to review a range of issues from qualifications and training, to gender balance and pay.

Children’s minister Aileen Campbell added: “This government strongly supports the Living Wage campaign and encourages all organisations, regardless of size, sector and location, to ensure all staff receive a fair level of pay. I have visited a number of nurseries who already do this and we will continue to work with the sector to promote the benefits of the Living Wage and encourage more organisations to sign up to fair work practices.”

December 4, 2015


James Buchanan Award

Men in Childcare are delighted to announce that during a recent trip to Ireland to attend a European Network meeting and conference, Gordon Kidd having reached a ten year milestone as the first Men in Childcare graduate, became the first recipient of the "James Buchanan Award". Also along to attend the meeting and congratulate Gordon were Kenny Spence (Manager, Men in Childcare) who presented the award, Colin Chisholm (Coordinator Men in Childcare) Derek Thomson former student and now Nursery Officer at Livingston Child and Family Centre and Kevin Clifford Nursery Officer Gilmerton Child and Family Centre.